I started this blog when my life was complete chaos. I thought life would get easier once I graduate college, my husband returned home from Iraq, but that's not the way life works. This blog like my life is transitioning to a reading blog. I constantly read, so I figured why not share my thoughts about those books. There are days when I'm on the brink of lossing it. Yeah, I know it's a bit cliche but sometimes life is a cliche.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Money to rule us all
Saturday, November 7, 2009
ok...now I have been getting a bit of writing done ...so yeah for me :) I may post it later but I'm unsure.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
not a good start
All morning Mathew has been yelling at the twins. I lost count how many times I've told him to quit yelling. It's just a game. He gets so emotional over a stupid game.
Flash won't shut up because he wants attention. Put him outside he whines, bring him in and he has to be constantly watched because he's a puppy. Tim and Alex put him in his cage too often. I feel bad for the little fellow when he gets stuck in there because no one wants to watch him to make sure he's not gettin into stuff.
Friday, September 18, 2009
a great beginning
I am so happy that I don't think anyone could rain on my mood. I really have no explanation for think blissful mood.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The slacker is leaving the building......
Monday, July 13, 2009
vacation countdown begins.......
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
romance dwendling
But at the same time, she's my friend--my sister. She's hurting. I want so badly to just take all the pain away to make things better. I wish I could just fix it. She told me she was broken and can't be fixed. I wish I could just piece everything back together for her. But I know only she can do that. She has to fix herself. She has to fix her family whether it's with or without Rex.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Mother Nature is a manatical bitch
Image via Wikipedia
I have been sick all day because Eve ate the stupid apple thus women for all time must pay for her stupidity. Now, every month I get so sick that I have to go to the doctor. For awhile, I had to take birth control pills just to find some sort of relief. They are no longer working. Well they might if I hadn't ran out. I really hate PMDD. I almost feel like I'm pregnant again sometimes its worse--labor. Oh, the days where I would get nauseous from smells or the "look" of food. Oh! Wait with this damn PMDD I do. I have felt like throwing up all day. I just I'll have to break down and go to the doctor but I hate taking pills. I always forget to take them. I hate the mood swings, headaches, acne breakouts (as if I'm still a teen), the nausea, the excruciating cramps in the abdomen and the lower back. Oh the "pleasures" of being a woman. It's days like these where I would love to kick Eve's ass for eating the fruit. Why couldn't she just listen? That was the only rule. Just one simple rule. Ane she had to break it. Causing suffering for women to the end of time.Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Image by Gattou/Lucie/in and out via Flickr
I really should be writing a literary analysis for my Irish Women's Literature class so I will not be writing almost all of it at the last minute. But what am I doing? Goofing off online. I have done every app I have on Facebook, and now I am working on goofing off on here although this is only a semi-goofing since it is still writing though not the right kind of writing. What's really sad is that I really don't feel like bloggin either. I just want to zone out for a bit. Let my mind relax. Even though it really shouldn't since I have three more things to do before this class is over on Sunday night at midnight. I need to just suck it up and finish crap off so then I can goof around. If only I would. I know how I am and with the current mood I am in......nothing is going to get accomplished tonight. At least I can say I wrote something even if it's the paragraph I started at work and this blog. I can say I did write. I began the paper. I have a title, and the formatting is done. It's a start. I am extremely grateful for the fact that I am pretty darn good at literary analysis. I can write them fairly well. I just have a few grammar issues that I need to work on. Thankfully, last semester Laverne Nishihara helped me with some of this. I just hope I don't forget all of what she taught me.Saturday, June 13, 2009
literature and headaches
Image via Wikipedia
I was working on my Irish Lit homework earlier today (I still have a few more things to do for it), I just had to take a break. Don't get me wrong, I love the topics we are reading about. The rich culture and background of Ireland is very intriguing. I am fascinated by other cultures especially European. But one of the things we have to do each week is find topics or subtopics for our research paper that goes along with the reading. Even if it doesn't apply to your paper topic, it will apply to someone else's. After digging through IU's online database, I was just burned out. Yeah, I probably should have just done a load of laundry or some other household chore that only takes 15-20 minutes to complete instead of Facebook which wasted over 2 hours. Now, I will need to not only get a bit of housework done but also cook dinner and finish up this week's homework.I'm sure it doesn't help that this particular paper is giving me fits. I didn't realize there is so little on Irish Women's Literature. Actually, very little on Irish Literature period let alone women's. It's a bit frustrating to find find very little on an entire country filled with such literary greats as James Joyce and Flannery O'Connor. Why is it that so little is written about women's writers? I suppose some of it is due to the fact that women were unable to write publicly until well after the Victorian era. I still feel women are rubbed of something. Women have robbed by men since the dawn of time though that is a totally different topic altogether.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
stress and laundry
Why does everything seem worse when there is a boatload of laundry to do? Do the two really have a connection? Though I seriously doubt it.....it does occur quite often for me. Instead of stressing about the big things that I really should be upset about I stress about the damn laundry. There's too much of in the bedroom....my hamper is overflowing. Why is it that no one....and I mean no one can actually put clothes in the hamper instead of in front of, beside, behind the hamper? Is it embedded in the Y chromosome to not put clothes in the hamper? A friend told me no though I am not sure I believe him. Honestly, what's it matter whether or not all the clothes in the bathroom are washed or if the boys' hamper is absolutely empty but the floor is unseen. In the big picture of it all.....it doesn't matter. As long as the whole family has clean clothes does it matter if ALL the clothes are clean? No. But then if I don't obsesses about something as small and minuscule as the laundry then what? The dishes? Or the dust on the dragons? The laundry is a distraction from the important things....like money, schoolwork, work issues, friend issues, Tim's issues and/or problems, ect.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Anxious for vacation
This is where we are going for vacation! I can't wait. Get away from work, classes, worrying about every little thing. No worries for 7 days. I am ready to lay in the sun with a book while I watch the twins play on the beach. In the evenings, I will be on the enclosed porch swing watching the wildlife and basking in the stillness of the evening. I will enjoy every minute of tranquility. No tv, no radio (unless I break out the laptop which I will have to take because of my online class). Tim keeps talking about fishing from sun up to sun down. I don't think he'll be out that long each day but he'll try. He only talks about going fishing and being out on the boat all day. I think we should take the whole family out on a boat ride a day or two. Really I just want to be on the beach. I am soo ready to get outta here for awhile. I know everyone else is ready too. The kids are talking about what they want to do. Tim and his fishing.....all he talks about is fishing. He does really enjoy it for the life of me I have no idea why but he does. I believe I will need to begin a countdown to vacation.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Another cardinal......another mediocre
As I was pulling into a parking spot in Middlefork, a bright red cardinal flew over Tim's car heading towards the woods almost surrounding Middlefork parking lot. Yet again, I am wondering about this luck thing and cardinals. I have come to a conclusion.....it's crap! I know, it's like duh! But sometimes a memory is so strong along with the happy thoughts and feelings which come with it. I'm pretty sure it's the sight of the cardinal that brings the happiness not luck or any other supersitition anyone told me about. I'm not going to completely tarnish this happiness with the cardinal. I am still going to keep it. Well, afterall it does make me happy even if in that moment I forget about the happy memory and anything else happening at that current moment. I only think about how pretty this brightly colored red bird is.....and sometimes how few of them there are (although, I've been told the cardinal population is increasing sometime I should look this info up to verify.) I would continue to babble about for a few more moments, I won't instead I will end this posting so as I can write another 500 words or so on my scene.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
good luck charms
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Step 1 realize you have entered stupid realm.
Step 2 realize and accept you, yourself have joined the elite into stupidity
Step 3 after acceptance you must find where you entered into stupiddom whether it be through falling due to not tying your shoes or tripping over an invisible step.
Step 4 move on try not to reenter the land of the stupid.
It's quite obvious I am still stuck in this realm due to this oddity of a blog. If you are like me who has accepted the stupidity even it you thought it was just a moment but yet here you are again trapped among the stupid. Then obviously you never left.....the stupid have tricked you into thinking you did which proves that they may not be as stupid as you are. They must need a new leader. Obviously, a writer since I have been carrying on about this for quite a few sentences now without any indications of stopping anytime soon. Though I find parts of this funny, it is rather scary too. Who can write about nothing? Obviously, I can. The stupid have adopted me. I need to return to the land of smart people though at times I feel and think they are the grandest of the stupid. They are stupid with a degree. Pft, that's just dangerous. And to think people like that are teaching our children! No wonder my kid has moments of complete and utter stupidity. He's being feed stupidity through his textbooks, teacher's lectures, worksheets, homework. It's all a plot to mold more stupidity among the ranks. I believe I will attempt to leave stupiddom hopefully for awhile but we shall see.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
A frustrating Day
It's only 8:30pm and.....oh the kids are soooo wired. and now Tim wants to go to the hospital just because his ear has excessive wax build up that is blocking his hearing a bit. It bothers me since I've had an ear infection for almost two weeks with only partial hearing and yet he goes to the hospital just for some ear wax. It's like come on really? He goes to the hospital for all kinds of things instead of waiting until the doctor office opens to see the doctor.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Other people's stupidity
Monday, May 25, 2009
Writing & Panic attacks
*scene ideas*
--Liz's miscarriage
--Casey's OD and the after effects
--Josh's leave
I will come back to this blog so as to give me inspiration to write. I will begin writing about the three scenes above. Casey's story should be very good..since she has a little girl maybe about toddler years? Liz has to move from her loss of her own baby to caring for this cute little girl who has been through a trying experience with her mother who is addicted to some type of drug (I'll specify the drug at a later date possibly as I am writing). I feel very surreal right now. I have a plan I know where the story is going, I know what I am doing for the next week. I have goals. I have plans. I have something to count.
something to look forward to
Sunday, May 24, 2009
a vacation on the rise
I was able to get everything done for my online class....yea.....so happy. Well at least until Monday, where our new assignment comes. I should work ahead a little bit but for some reason my next book has not arrived. If anything I could go to the library. I will wait it out another day or so. I could do everything but the reading assignment. Do a little background on the author.
I have realized that many of my posting are pretty negative.....very whiny....I need to make a note to be more positive even if things seem to be going to the crapper. Today was a pretty darn good day. Yeah the kids fought and there was some voices raised but nothing too badly....well except when Tim and Alex's horseplaying went too far and both of them ended up angry. I had to diffuse them, send them to separate corners of the living room. On average....not bad. I was not all wallowy as I was before. I am going to try to keep this positive attitude for as long as possible.
A new perspective
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A very weird day
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
more health issues
Saturday, May 16, 2009
busy days among the sick
Why is it so difficult lately to write? I love writing. Is it the pressure of publishing? Failure? Success? Laziness? I really don't know right now. I do know that I feel like shit whether this feeling stems from lack of writing or my sinuses affecting me remains to be answered. Time will tell which it is. I originally was going to write about how Tim had another episode but somehow that just seems insignificant. But why is it so unimportant? Am I that shallow right now that his problems are less compared to my own? Especially since my issues are actually quite small to his. At least he has reasons for everything he is going through.....his PTSD has affected him in ways no one realized until he could no longer ingnore them. I was quite proud of him yesterday during IUEast graduation ceremony. There was a very large crowd, he did not panic until later when he had been in the crowd for a long period of time. His panic attack did not last very long after he was able to distance himself from the crowd. I think one of the reasons why he had problems sleeping last night was due to the panic attck and the crowd. He also woke up today angry. Although, the anger could have been because the smaller three were being loud, and fighting/bickering with each other. His episode today could've had nothing to do with the PTSD but his lack of knowing how to cope with his emotions such as anger.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
disappointing party
Monday, May 11, 2009
My sweet boys
Semester Over!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
This could be why I am having problems focusing on my current writing project, I don't want to be me. The characters are very much like me. Almost too much. I feel like in a way they are me. That is scary. Rejection is scary. I'm just scared, and I don't like that.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Name: Joshua Randall Bly
Age: 26
Married to Elizabeth
Parents: Lacey and John Bly
Dislikes: stupid people, his "best friend," people who uses facades
Likes: running, beaches, swimming, windsurfing, baseball
Wishes: to have his life back as it was before his father had cancer
Hopes: to get the hell out of his hometown
has one half sibling from an affair his father had who is just two months younger than himself.
Happiest: when he lived in North Carolina
Unhappiest: Iraq
Scariest: not knowing anything about his wife when she was in the hospital
Someone he misses: Granddad--who died when he was 15
Car he drives: 2007 Ford Mustang--Cherry Red
He designed and built the house he & Liz lives in. He gave it to her as an anniversary gift.
He loves his mother unconditionally but hates his father with a passion
Works: Bly Constructions as President with his father and half- brother, Caleb
Favorite drink: Irish Coffee
Favorite Food: Cheeseburger from Cathy's Restaurant on Salem St.
Favorite place: Liz's aunt's beach house in North Carolina
Biggest Fear: Liz will leave him for Caleb
weather ect.
I am so glad that the snow is finally gone and we have some warm weather. Now, if the rain would stop long enough to dry out the ground, it would be terrific. I am thankful that we no longer have to bundle up like the kids are in the photo. Warm weather is on its way! Yeah!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Happy retirement Tom!
Today, IUE said good-bye and thank you to Thom Thomas. Tommy has worked at our campus for 34 years. It was great hearing about all these stories from before I was even born. It's amazing how much of an impact one man can have on not only a campus but the community also. There's not a building on campus that doesn't have a Tom Thomas painting. Tom is an extremely talented painter, artist, mentor, leader, and a kind person. He will be greatly missed by everyone from the mainteance crew to the students to fellow instructors/professors. I know I will miss hearing about his latest conspiracy theory or his next get rich plan. His mind is always spinning whether he was trying to make a quick buck to support his high alimony payment to beautifying the City of Richmond with gorgeous morals.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Money issues
Friday, April 24, 2009
I can't believe that this semester is over already! I'm glad and sad at the same time. I'm sad cause Randy and Ranae are graduating ....so sad. But at the same time I am really burned out. I need a break. I was going to take the summer off but nooooo Michelle had to ask for 20 workstudy hours for the summer so now I need to take a class or two. UGH! Oh well....worse things could happen.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
lack of academic success
I also need to upgrade my knowledge to technology. Yes, obviously I know and understand the basics of the computer and such but I want to know more about linking sites and so forth along with photoshopping. I had thought about getting a book for dummies about photoshop since I feel like a complte idiot at time when I use it especially since Michelle is so technologically advanced though she is living with an IT nerd.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Academics and Literature
I made a huge mistake this semester....I didn't take Senior Seminar which I need in order to graduate but now I realize I could have graduated next summer. Now, I feel real stupid. I just pushed myself back one year. I wonder if I can take graduate classes before actually graduating with my bachelor degree. I suppose I could work on another minor or major. Who knows. Everything happens for a reason though at this moment I really can't tell why I made such a huge blunder. This is a perfect example of why you should always listen to that little voice in your head. Damn that voice! I think I really wanted more time to work on my novel. I have so much to work on. That is another thing on my to do list. I will get that finished by the end of the summer. At least the first draft anyway.
Another note, I met with Laverne to review my papers for her class. I was quite surprised about how little she had to say about one paper but not the other although the L225 paper was (is) a mess. I had no focus. ...no organization....oh it was bad. I am going to start all over with my revision. A perfect example of why one should not write a paper just hours before it is due. L346 the paper has focus with only a few grammar errors. I have found grammar is not my friend. Actually it is quite the opposite. It loathes me. My grammar is in deseparate need of improvement in both English and French. I am determined that grammar and I will be friends by the time I graduate.
I must say my conversation with Laverne was quite interesting. She said she loved my analysis from each book our class has read and felt that I should not turn away from literary analysis because I have such insight about the works. She quizzed me about which genre within creative writing I wanted to specialize in. She asked if I had taken Mary's Poetry class. Of course I had to tell he I was avoiding it because poetry was my drawback in W203. She informed me I really need Mary's class because every great and classical writer gained control over their writing by writing poetry. I gained such insight and respect for her today. One thing that slightly confuses me is how she knew I wanted my MFA. Did I tell her that at the beginning of the semester? Or did someone else tell her? I suppose it doesn't really matter though.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
stupid husband
Sunday, February 22, 2009
literature paper delimmas
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Playing catch up
Saturday, February 7, 2009
depression & gallbladder
Sunday, February 1, 2009
This weekend has been pretty good although I still haven't gotten everything done that I wanted to but thats okay. Today, I was able to sleep in which was nice. I worked-out though it kicked my butt. I began my day.....homework, and a multitude of housework. I was content with how much I had accomplished today.
I haven't really much to say .....nothing all that interesting has happened lately except Elvinet breaking the fax machine.
Friday, January 30, 2009
My pleasant day
Thursday, January 29, 2009
the lowest point
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Understanding Josh
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Shoe that drops
"What do you think is missing in your life?" shouts the evangelist from the small box-shaped television sitting atop of the counter behind the bubble gum popping, long, bright red painted acrylic nailed attendant with bright red lipstick and way too much blush on her tiny cheeks. She scans his items between pops of the bright blue gum. "That'll be $20.96," pop, slurp. Josh tosses $21 walks out the door thinking about that question. What is missing? It's true something is. Other than normalcy. Nothing is normal anymore. Nothing has been normal for months. Car honks at him for stepping in front of it though he barely notices. Six months before he noticed everything and everyone. He had to. If he didn't people died. People died.......he was surrounded by death. He couldn't escape it. Enemies, friends, buddies, strangers, children, women......they all died. He didn't. He didn't even get hurt. Why? Was it an act of GOD like his mother said? Or was he just lucky? Nah....can't be luck......if that was the case life would be different. He wouldn't be wondering through life questioning everyone and everything.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
health issues lead to writing issues
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
writer's blog
I was always taught to never look down while walking by looking down implies there is something to be ashamed of or hiding from something.
That crooked smile, the left side of her upper lip would curve up higher than the right almost like Elvis'.
So much has changed since I was here last, yet everything is the same.
There's a Wal-mart on Forth St where Pete's Lumber used to be and down the road is a new strip mall with cell phone store, Dollar Tree, shoe store, Aldi's, and a department store all these things are just a few of the changes that have happened since I left a year and half ago.
"What the hell Liz! You never want to go anywhere. You need to get out of this house," Josh pleads with his wife sitting at the computer almost oblivious to him.