Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy retirement Tom!

Today, IUE said good-bye and thank you to Thom Thomas. Tommy has worked at our campus for 34 years. It was great hearing about all these stories from before I was even born. It's amazing how much of an impact one man can have on not only a campus but the community also. There's not a building on campus that doesn't have a Tom Thomas painting. Tom is an extremely talented painter, artist, mentor, leader, and a kind person. He will be greatly missed by everyone from the mainteance crew to the students to fellow instructors/professors. I know I will miss hearing about his latest conspiracy theory or his next get rich plan. His mind is always spinning whether he was trying to make a quick buck to support his high alimony payment to beautifying the City of Richmond with gorgeous morals.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Money issues

It is a beautiful day outside, but I have been stuck inside all day, doing housework and homework. I'm trying to figure out how to solve my financial dilemma. I can do workstudy this summer but that is a bit of a double edged sword. If I do work this summer then I have to take a class or two something that I really can't afford to do. But at the same time I really need to work--I'm stuck. I would just get a part time job but with this economy....thats unrealistic. I am really stressing about it.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I am really sick of people who act one way then do another. I could me upset because this person said she didn't want to do something but when Too Tall asked her she jumped on it even fighting to get it. I don't think that's right. I mean really. If you don't care then why fight for it. If you do care then express it. I believe I am just done with all of it. I'm going to be like Dottie and say to hell with it all. If other people want to be kiss asses then fine....let them. I'm not like that. If you want my help fine but don't ask for it then treat me like an idiot or disregard my opinion when you're the idiot who asked. I mean seriously??? That's just freakin mean. I'm sure I've been carrying this for way longer than I should. I really need to just let it go. Besides I do have other things to obsess about .....more important things like homework ....my writing...my kids...my household in general.
I can't believe that this semester is over already! I'm glad and sad at the same time. I'm sad cause Randy and Ranae are graduating ....so sad. But at the same time I am really burned out. I need a break. I was going to take the summer off but nooooo Michelle had to ask for 20 workstudy hours for the summer so now I need to take a class or two. UGH! Oh well....worse things could happen.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

lack of academic success

I have realized twice this I have yet to really accomplish anything during the three years I have been at Indiana University East. I now feel like a failure. I have no papers published--nothing published really. I have not defended nor presented anything. My only accomplishment is World Language and Culture Club and Humanities Club....oh and Honors Program. I decided to take less classes in order to gain these academic must haves for graduate school. I need to start working on my novel ....I mean seriously work on it not this crap of write two or three sentences and then be done. I need to write--seriously write. I need to get back to the big picture of all this--graduate school then to teach. I need to keep the big picture in focus by keeping the distractions at bay. I know none of this will be simple nor easy but hell nothing in life is easy.
I also need to upgrade my knowledge to technology. Yes, obviously I know and understand the basics of the computer and such but I want to know more about linking sites and so forth along with photoshopping. I had thought about getting a book for dummies about photoshop since I feel like a complte idiot at time when I use it especially since Michelle is so technologically advanced though she is living with an IT nerd.