Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Academics and Literature

I made a huge mistake this semester....I didn't take Senior Seminar which I need in order to graduate but now I realize I could have graduated next summer. Now, I feel real stupid. I just pushed myself back one year. I wonder if I can take graduate classes before actually graduating with my bachelor degree. I suppose I could work on another minor or major. Who knows. Everything happens for a reason though at this moment I really can't tell why I made such a huge blunder. This is a perfect example of why you should always listen to that little voice in your head. Damn that voice! I think I really wanted more time to work on my novel. I have so much to work on. That is another thing on my to do list. I will get that finished by the end of the summer. At least the first draft anyway.

Another note, I met with Laverne to review my papers for her class. I was quite surprised about how little she had to say about one paper but not the other although the L225 paper was (is) a mess. I had no focus. organization....oh it was bad. I am going to start all over with my revision. A perfect example of why one should not write a paper just hours before it is due. L346 the paper has focus with only a few grammar errors. I have found grammar is not my friend. Actually it is quite the opposite. It loathes me. My grammar is in deseparate need of improvement in both English and French. I am determined that grammar and I will be friends by the time I graduate.

I must say my conversation with Laverne was quite interesting. She said she loved my analysis from each book our class has read and felt that I should not turn away from literary analysis because I have such insight about the works. She quizzed me about which genre within creative writing I wanted to specialize in. She asked if I had taken Mary's Poetry class. Of course I had to tell he I was avoiding it because poetry was my drawback in W203. She informed me I really need Mary's class because every great and classical writer gained control over their writing by writing poetry. I gained such insight and respect for her today. One thing that slightly confuses me is how she knew I wanted my MFA. Did I tell her that at the beginning of the semester? Or did someone else tell her? I suppose it doesn't really matter though.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Much has happened since my last posting though at this moment I don't really want to divulge into it. I'm trying not to be a mopy cry baby but yet I'm sick and tired of lazy people. I realize I'm surrounded by them. Kinda like how that kid from Sixth Sense was....but I see lazy people. They are everywhere including my house. There are numerous in fact. What I would like to know is how in the hell did I get so many of them in my house and my family. Granted recently I myself have not been the most motivated person but yet I was not used to raising four boys by myself....yet I still feel like I am (but that's a different posting). There's my lazy ass bum brother who has invited himself to live with us, my baby brother who decides to smoke pot instead of getting his GED, and my mother....omg don't even get me started there. Now add my husband and older two boys. It pains me to see how much Mathew acts like Rob. He wants everyone to do things for him. Nothing for himself. I'm really scared that Matt will turn out with that type of personality. I hope thing will change for the better soon.