Friday, August 24, 2018

delayed postings--sorry :(

I wanted to apologize for not posting in a spell. It has been some crazy days. My three teenage boys have kept me hoppin. Mathew, my senior shows our dogs through 4-H and our local county fair was this past week. So, we spent the entire week at the local fairgrounds with our show dogs. I had anticipated doing a lot of reading during the fair--normally, there's a lot of downtime between shows. But not this year! This year, I barely had the chance to sit in my lawn chair. I'm not going to complain. My son had a decent showing along with the other kids in our 4-H club. I am very proud of all of them for the hard work each kid put into their projects and animals.

That being said, I am going full force with my reading lists. I have been doing a lot of thinking about how I want this blog and what I want to accomplish. I have been receiving a lot of ARCs directly from authors which I am finishing up. I will have those reviews posted soon. It is nice to hear from authors about their novels. But I feel like I should be doing more. But what?
I am trying to make sure that I post here, in Goodreads, and Amazon (when applicable). I also have accounts in Kobo too. I'm not as well versed in the latter. 

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