Monday, June 13, 2011


I woke up morning with a huge headache. At first, I thought it was due to sleeping too much was waking up to the boys yelling and fighting with each other. Ugh. Why can't I wake up one morning without hearing them fighting about their playstation or the game they are playing or the pretend game they invented. All day they have been hyper. No matter what activity I give them to do it lasts for a few moments before they run off to hassle each other. I just wish I could find an activity that will keep their attention for more than five minutes (other than playing video games even that they heckle each other over).
I'm sure it doesn't help that, overall, I am very frustrated. I'm frustrated because I don't have a job...hell not even a job interview has popped up. It makes me feel very inadequate as if the last five years of my life has been for nothing. I am in a worse situation than before I went to college because not only do I not have a job but I have student loans to pay back. Ughhh!! Even the act of apply for positions is very frustrating. I'm either over qualified or under...I feel like what the heck?! I went to school for five years to be over qualified or I don't have enough experience or a Masters. Another Uggh! I know I should take it in stride but I've never really had to look for a job before. They always came to me or other people brought them to me. It's just really weird to have to find a job when I've never had to do it before. No wonder so many ppl decide to stay on unemployment. This who job hunting thing sucks! I know I sound like a pampered twenty-something who has never left the comforts of mommy and daddy's house when in actuality I have been on my own for quite sometime. Who would've thought that a thirty--err twenty-nine year old would be having problems finding a job.
I need to find something to do that will help me with all the frustration I have. Maybe I should take up running or exercise


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