Day 1
I am in search of a MFA program--actually a low residency MFA program to attend next academic year. As per my advisor I should be shopping for programs this summer, taking the GRE in the fall and have everything finalized by December. Or so I'm told. Easier said than done. Today, I begin step 1: shop for MFA programs that meet the criteria I need. The issue with that is...I need convenience of location and a program with assistantships which will pay for my education. Thus far I have only found 1. It's not lookin good. I will have to expand my search beyond the Great Lakes region (well actually, I've only searched Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan). Maybe I do want to go somewhere warm or in the New England region. Who knows at this point? I may change my mind and decide I need a full residency program. Time will tell. My little guys are why I prefer the low residency program. I want to be home with them instead of stuck in a classroom all day either teaching or as a student. We just moved into this nice little house with one acre of yard for them to run and play. If I attend a full residency, I will have to upheaval them back into a tiny apartment. I feel bad enough for making them tolerate my evening classes and such. My goal is for the low residency program. Maybe I will find a program in Massachusetts or North Carolina which will better suit my needs both financially and academically.