Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mother Nature is a manatical bitch

Combined oral contraceptives. Introduced in 19...Image via Wikipedia

I have been sick all day because Eve ate the stupid apple thus women for all time must pay for her stupidity. Now, every month I get so sick that I have to go to the doctor. For awhile, I had to take birth control pills just to find some sort of relief. They are no longer working. Well they might if I hadn't ran out. I really hate PMDD. I almost feel like I'm pregnant again sometimes its worse--labor. Oh, the days where I would get nauseous from smells or the "look" of food. Oh! Wait with this damn PMDD I do. I have felt like throwing up all day. I just I'll have to break down and go to the doctor but I hate taking pills. I always forget to take them. I hate the mood swings, headaches, acne breakouts (as if I'm still a teen), the nausea, the excruciating cramps in the abdomen and the lower back. Oh the "pleasures" of being a woman. It's days like these where I would love to kick Eve's ass for eating the fruit. Why couldn't she just listen? That was the only rule. Just one simple rule. Ane she had to break it. Causing suffering for women to the end of time.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


lilasImage by Gattou/Lucie/in and out via Flickr

I really should be writing a literary analysis for my Irish Women's Literature class so I will not be writing almost all of it at the last minute. But what am I doing? Goofing off online. I have done every app I have on Facebook, and now I am working on goofing off on here although this is only a semi-goofing since it is still writing though not the right kind of writing. What's really sad is that I really don't feel like bloggin either. I just want to zone out for a bit. Let my mind relax. Even though it really shouldn't since I have three more things to do before this class is over on Sunday night at midnight. I need to just suck it up and finish crap off so then I can goof around. If only I would. I know how I am and with the current mood I am in......nothing is going to get accomplished tonight. At least I can say I wrote something even if it's the paragraph I started at work and this blog. I can say I did write. I began the paper. I have a title, and the formatting is done. It's a start. I am extremely grateful for the fact that I am pretty darn good at literary analysis. I can write them fairly well. I just have a few grammar issues that I need to work on. Thankfully, last semester Laverne Nishihara helped me with some of this. I just hope I don't forget all of what she taught me.
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Saturday, June 13, 2009

literature and headaches

James Joyce, widely considered one of the most...Image via Wikipedia

I was working on my Irish Lit homework earlier today (I still have a few more things to do for it), I just had to take a break. Don't get me wrong, I love the topics we are reading about. The rich culture and background of Ireland is very intriguing. I am fascinated by other cultures especially European. But one of the things we have to do each week is find topics or subtopics for our research paper that goes along with the reading. Even if it doesn't apply to your paper topic, it will apply to someone else's. After digging through IU's online database, I was just burned out. Yeah, I probably should have just done a load of laundry or some other household chore that only takes 15-20 minutes to complete instead of Facebook which wasted over 2 hours. Now, I will need to not only get a bit of housework done but also cook dinner and finish up this week's homework.
I'm sure it doesn't help that this particular paper is giving me fits. I didn't realize there is so little on Irish Women's Literature. Actually, very little on Irish Literature period let alone women's. It's a bit frustrating to find find very little on an entire country filled with such literary greats as James Joyce and Flannery O'Connor. Why is it that so little is written about women's writers? I suppose some of it is due to the fact that women were unable to write publicly until well after the Victorian era. I still feel women are rubbed of something. Women have robbed by men since the dawn of time though that is a totally different topic altogether.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009

stress and laundry

Why does everything seem worse when there is a boatload of laundry to do? Do the two really have a connection? Though I seriously doubt it.....it does occur quite often for me. Instead of stressing about the big things that I really should be upset about I stress about the damn laundry. There's too much of in the bedroom....my hamper is overflowing. Why is it that no one....and I mean no one can actually put clothes in the hamper instead of in front of, beside, behind the hamper? Is it embedded in the Y chromosome to not put clothes in the hamper? A friend told me no though I am not sure I believe him. Honestly, what's it matter whether or not all the clothes in the bathroom are washed or if the boys' hamper is absolutely empty but the floor is unseen. In the big picture of it all.....it doesn't matter. As long as the whole family has clean clothes does it matter if ALL the clothes are clean? No. But then if I don't obsesses about something as small and minuscule as the laundry then what? The dishes? Or the dust on the dragons? The laundry is a distraction from the important things....like money, schoolwork, work issues, friend issues, Tim's issues and/or problems, ect.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Anxious for vacation

This is where we are going for vacation! I can't wait. Get away from work, classes, worrying about every little thing. No worries for 7 days. I am ready to lay in the sun with a book while I watch the twins play on the beach. In the evenings, I will be on the enclosed porch swing watching the wildlife and basking in the stillness of the evening. I will enjoy every minute of tranquility. No tv, no radio (unless I break out the laptop which I will have to take because of my online class). Tim keeps talking about fishing from sun up to sun down. I don't think he'll be out that long each day but he'll try. He only talks about going fishing and being out on the boat all day. I think we should take the whole family out on a boat ride a day or two. Really I just want to be on the beach. I am soo ready to get outta here for awhile. I know everyone else is ready too. The kids are talking about what they want to do. Tim and his fishing.....all he talks about is fishing. He does really enjoy it for the life of me I have no idea why but he does. I believe I will need to begin a countdown to vacation.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Another cardinal......another mediocre

As I was pulling into a parking spot in Middlefork, a bright red cardinal flew over Tim's car heading towards the woods almost surrounding Middlefork parking lot. Yet again, I am wondering about this luck thing and cardinals. I have come to a conclusion.....it's crap! I know, it's like duh! But sometimes a memory is so strong along with the happy thoughts and feelings which come with it. I'm pretty sure it's the sight of the cardinal that brings the happiness not luck or any other supersitition anyone told me about. I'm not going to completely tarnish this happiness with the cardinal. I am still going to keep it. Well, afterall it does make me happy even if in that moment I forget about the happy memory and anything else happening at that current moment. I only think about how pretty this brightly colored red bird is.....and sometimes how few of them there are (although, I've been told the cardinal population is increasing sometime I should look this info up to verify.) I would continue to babble about for a few more moments, I won't instead I will end this posting so as I can write another 500 words or so on my scene.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

good luck charms

When I was a kid my mom and granma told me if I saw a male cardinal/blue jay, I would have good luck all day long. As an adult, every spring and summer, I would look for these brightly colored birds. I would sit on my patio or porch watching the birds in my neighbors feeder or while walking on the trails. If by chance I did see one, my day would suddenly brighten. I would tell myself...."It's going to be a good day......I saw a cardinal flying in the tree or on the fence ect. It must be a sign for good things to come." Even if I had a bad day, the delusion would continue. "Well it wasn't today that means it must be tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a good day." It really odd how one believes in something as frivolous as a bird. I can say that it does help my mood when I'm having a fairly bad day to think that it must get better even if it is from the sight of a bird. For awhile, I thought all this good luck was due to the fact that these birds were my favorite birds. To be perfectly honest, they were my favorite because they were the only birds I knew by name. Why does this suddenly occur to me.....well why else? A cardinal flew over my car on my way to work this morning. He flew from one part of the woods to another crossing the small country road I was driving along. For the next five miles, I thought about the various times superstitious grandmother told me about cardinals. How they hold more good luck that the blue jays because blue jays are more common. Luck doesn't happen to common things.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Lately, I have been surrounded by stupidity, either from coworkers, fellow classmates or my family. I even found a moment I, myself have lapsed into the stupid realm. How does one escape this realm? Well it's quite simple really.
Step 1 realize you have entered stupid realm.

Step 2 realize and accept you, yourself have joined the elite into stupidity
Step 3 after acceptance you must find where you entered into stupiddom whether it be through falling due to not tying your shoes or tripping over an invisible step.
Step 4 move on try not to reenter the land of the stupid.
It's quite obvious I am still stuck in this realm due to this oddity of a blog. If you are like me who has accepted the stupidity even it you thought it was just a moment but yet here you are again trapped among the stupid. Then obviously you never left.....the stupid have tricked you into thinking you did which proves that they may not be as stupid as you are. They must need a new leader. Obviously, a writer since I have been carrying on about this for quite a few sentences now without any indications of stopping anytime soon. Though I find parts of this funny, it is rather scary too. Who can write about nothing? Obviously, I can. The stupid have adopted me. I need to return to the land of smart people though at times I feel and think they are the grandest of the stupid. They are stupid with a degree. Pft, that's just dangerous. And to think people like that are teaching our children! No wonder my kid has moments of complete and utter stupidity. He's being feed stupidity through his textbooks, teacher's lectures, worksheets, homework. It's all a plot to mold more stupidity among the ranks. I believe I will attempt to leave stupiddom hopefully for awhile but we shall see.