Friday, January 9, 2009

writer's blog

I have decided to use this blog as my writing blog where I do writing exercises for my novel. I figured this will help me be more productive with my writing. I have been struggling lately with this novel and what better way to be more productive than to do writing exercises. This is where I'm going to place all of them. Here's the first exercise:

I was always taught to never look down while walking by looking down implies there is something to be ashamed of or hiding from something.

That crooked smile, the left side of her upper lip would curve up higher than the right almost like Elvis'.

So much has changed since I was here last, yet everything is the same.

There's a Wal-mart on Forth St where Pete's Lumber used to be and down the road is a new strip mall with cell phone store, Dollar Tree, shoe store, Aldi's, and a department store all these things are just a few of the changes that have happened since I left a year and half ago.

"What the hell Liz! You never want to go anywhere. You need to get out of this house," Josh pleads with his wife sitting at the computer almost oblivious to him.

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