Friday, July 27, 2018

The Serial Dater's Shopping List Morgen Bailey

It is rare when I don't adore a rom-com. This one sounded like I would be laughing but back side off. But it was not what I expected. There are scenes that could have been hilarious but were just okay. Each chapter is set up as a different date that she goes on--ok one or two are combined in the chapter but the chapter headings are nicknames for the date. Izzy is a technology journalist for the local Northampton newspaper. She loves her job! Izzy adores everything related to technology. Companies send her samples and freebies to review in her daily column. Her editor, William gives her a new assignment--go on 31 dates in 31 days using an online website. She is supposed to detail the dates. But Izzy doesn't really do that. She briefly describes the dates without giving too much info about the dates themselves or what happened. She accepts dates from a wide variety of men from an environmentalist who doesn't keep up with politics to two married men to a gay guy. But with each of these men she learns something new about herself and what she wants from a man. One thing she realizes is that sometimes you have to shop around for that perfect dress--man. As a woman knows, you have to try on multiple dresses before finding that perfect one. Sometimes that first comfy, and sexy dress is the perfect one. But you don't know that until after you've tried on all the other dresses. 
I love that analogy Bailey had at the end with Izzy's character. It is perfectly describes how Izzy found her perfect dress--man. 
While, I had moments of disappointment with this novel. I still enjoyed the trials and tribulations that Izzy endured.  

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